Certification Resources

FSC has an array of resources to help you navigate the certification process. The links below provide an overview, and more comprehensive materials can be downloaded from the document centre. Please consider subscribing to our newsletter for the latest updates from across the FSC system.

FSC Ukraine
Milan Reska

FSC forest management certification confirms that the forest is being managed in a way that preserves biological diversity and benefits the lives of local people and workers, while ensuring it sustains economic viability.  

iStock.com / agnormark

FSC chain of custody certification provides credible confirmation for products with environmentally and socially responsible sources to access the market.

Milan Reska

FSC-certified forests are distributed all over the world. FSC has been collecting maps of certified operations, while understanding the different conditions experienced by different forest managers and respecting the confidentiality of some of this data.


Important indicators of the development of FSC certification are the area of certified forests and the number of certificate holders in Ukraine and around the world.
