This page provides a compilation of open source information related to the forestry sector in Ukraine. Here you will find links to official state registers, portals and databases that provide up-to-date information on forests, forestry, woodworking, etc.

In addition, there are unofficial resources, such as websites of NGOs, analytical centres, and industry associations that monitor and analyse the situation in the forestry sector. These sources allow you to get an independent expert assessment and an alternative view of the processes in the industry.

Openness of information is a key to sustainable and sustainable forest management and development of the sector in the public interest.

Please note that this list of sources is not complete and is designed to provide an overview of the main resources available. We would be very grateful for any information on other reliable and relevant sources of data on the Ukrainian forestry sector. If you know of such resources, please let us know - it will help to make the compilation even more complete and useful for all stakeholders.

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