Objective: presentation of updates in the FSC normative framework, discussion of key issues of FSC certification in the forestry sector of Ukraine, current challenges and opportunities for responsible business.

Target audience:

  • FSC certificate and promotional licence holders ;
  • public authorities;
  • certification bodies, FSC International and ASI;
  • other stakeholders.
  • The event will be available in Ukrainian and English. Simultaneous translation will be provided during the event.

Topics for discussion:

  • current situation of FSC certification in Ukraine;
  • EU Regulation on Deforestation-free products (EUDR);
  • extension of the main interpretations and derogations of Collection of Policy Responses to Situation in Ukraine;
  • updating and translation of normative documents;
  • approval of the annex to the FSC national standard for Ukraine ‘FSC criteria, indicators and verifiers for the exclusion of areas contaminated by explosive ordnance from certification according to FSC-POL-20-003 V 1-0 for Ukraine’;
  • announcement of planned events;
  • FSC trademarks use;
  • AAF in Ukraine.

You can send your contribution to the event's topics by 31 May 2024 to e.khan@ua.fsc.org.

How to participate?
Please register for the meeting at https://eu.frms.link/jmjylzs/ 

*Registered participants will receive the final agenda and details of the event one week before the meeting.

For more information, please contact Yevgenii Khan: e.khan@ua.fsc.org.

Детальна програма 12.06.24.pdf
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