Requirements for compliance with applicable legislation are an integral part of the FSC National Forest Stewardship Standard for Ukraine. Normative and legal regulation in the sphere of responsible forest management is important for achieving the environmental, economic, and social goals of forest certification. That is why the attention of the members of the standard development group for Ukraine is focused on the draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On some issues on carrying out logging in Ukraine’s forests and inventorying forests under martial law", which is currently under public consultation.
The potential risks and threats of the draft resolution, which is important under martial law, in the context of responsible forestry were analyzed in detail by the members of the standard development group during an online meeting on May 13, 2022. The analysis was carried out taking into account the requirements of the FSC National Forest Stewardship Standard for Ukraine for identification of environmental values, assessment of the impact of activities on them; observance of the inexhaustibility of forest use, application of appropriate forestry practices; involvement of stakeholders in planning and monitoring of management activities, etc.
The participation of the representative of the State Forest Resources Agency of Ukraine - the developer of this regulatory document - contributed to a constructive discussion and search for rational solutions to meet the needs of national defense and security under martial law and avoid negative impact on environmental values, ensure their preservation and protection. Comments and concrete proposals based on the results of the meeting were sent by the members of the standard development group to the State Forest Resources Agency of Ukraine within the framework of public consultations on the draft resolution.
Pavlo Kravets, FSC Ukraine’s Director, said: “Military action in Ukraine affects the activities of forestry enterprises and necessitates bringing legislation to the challenges of wartime. In this context, it is very important that, in addition to de-bureaucratization and simplification of procedures, there is no weakening or removal of precautionary mechanisms to ensure sustainable forest management. It should be noted that the activity of the standard development group has been intensified and is being carried out regularly, and we have feedback and openness from the side of state authorities."