At the Forest Stewardship Council booth, architects, educators, manufacturers, and other interested parties discussed issues of reducing carbon footprint, combating deforestation, and resource efficiency in construction.


Supply Chain and Integrity Manager, Yevhenii Khan, had the opportunity to tell all interested parties about the benefits of FSC project certification, which confirms the use of raw materials from FSC-certified forests, and to show what already implemented projects in other countries look like using virtual reality tools.


Also, on February 15, FSC Ukraine held a webinar Webinar "Wood in the Context of Recovery of Ukraine: Overview of Strategies and Initiatives”. This event was dedicated to the analysis of the prospects for the use of wood in reconstruction, as a key element of climate-neutral and circular construction, conducted by Brian Milakovsky, an expert in production and business recovery strategy.


More than 80 online participants joined the discussion of challenges and opportunities for the forest sector and reconstruction in line with the EU Green Deal. The organizers drew attention to the fact that the use of wood materials helps reduce carbon emissions compared to traditional materials, and FSC-certified products will significantly reduce the negative impact on the environment and comply with EU climate initiatives and programs, and therefore will have advantages for attracting international support in reconstruction. Detailed information about FSC certificate holders can be found at


The expert also emphasized the importance of establishing cooperation between architects and builders within the framework of the New European Bauhaus initiative and the creation of national coalitions to promote wooden construction, assess the potential of the industry, and further integrate pan-European environmental priorities into the forest sector. The report prepared by Brian Milakovsky will be posted on the FSC Ukraine website in the near future. Its findings and provided recommendations will become a relevant source of information for both business and government bodies to promote the principles of responsible forest management and green reconstruction.


National Representative of FSC in Ukraine, Pavlo Kravets, noted - "there is no convenient time for implementing reforms or transformations of green reconstruction. It is necessary to lay down environmental criteria and climate goals in the plans and programs of future reconstruction now. FSC is making an important step forward by creating the preconditions for uniting all those interested in green reconstruction and the widest possible use of wood from responsible sources. Today's webinar and the conducted analysis are evidence of this."
Based on the results of 3 days of work at the KyivBuild 2024 exhibition, representatives of FSC Ukraine held more than fifty meaningful meetings with potential partners and stakeholders. Agreements were also reached on further cooperation to promote the ideology of green reconstruction of Ukraine. FSC will continue to facilitate cooperation between architects, builders, and product manufacturers around the use of wood as an important component of green reconstruction and sustainable development of the country.

Preliminary translation

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З презентацією проміжних результатів дослідження планів відбудови в контексті Зеленого курсу ЄС та використання деревини можна ознайомитись нижче.

Деревина в контексті відбудови України.pdf
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