The draft FSC risk assessment for Ukraine was developed by the NGO “ForestCom” in accordance with the FSC normative framework, primarily the FSC-PRO-60-006b V 2-0 procedure “Risk Assessment Framework”, as well as taking into account the requirements of EU Regulation 2023/1115 on the prevention of deforestation and forest degradation (EUDR). 

The purpose of developing the draft document is to assess the risks of obtaining wood from unacceptable sources in Ukraine and to develop measures to mitigate the identified risks. The FSC Risk Assessment for Ukraine is an integral part of the implementation of the requirements of the FSC-STD-40-005 V 3-1 standard “Requirements for sourcing FSC® Controlled Wood”, as well as the FSC Regulatory Module as part of the FSC EUDR Aligned solution, which aims to support FSC certificate holders in ensuring that their activities comply with the requirements of the above-mentioned EU Regulation 2023/1115. 

The FSC Risk Assessment for Ukraine will be useful for both FSC certificate holders in Ukraine and other companies seeking to integrate risk management approaches into their management systems to ensure the legality and sustainability of their wood products. The FSC risk assessment for Ukraine is considered at the national and international levels as one of the sources of information on the risks of deforestation and forest degradation in Ukraine. 

More information about: 

- FSC risk assessment process- (en) 

- The process of developing the FSC risk assessment for Ukraine - (en) 

- public consultations on the draft FSC risk assessment for Ukraine - (ua) 

Please provide your feedback, comments and suggestions on the draft FSC risk assessment for Ukraine within the specified public consultation period using the appropriate forms: 

Questionnaire in Ukrainian (including the text of the draft document in Ukrainian) 

Questionnaire in English on the FSC consultation platform (including the text of the draft document in English) 

For more information, please contact