NGO "ForestCom" and FSC Ukraine invite you to the final event in the series of webinars dedicated to the implementation of modern technologies for the sustainable development of the forest sector in Ukraine. The event will outline the key aspects of using existing generative AI tools to optimize work processes and analyze unstructured forest-related data.

Date: 18.07.2024 

Time: 16:00 

Duration: 1.5 hours 


Pavlo Kravets, FSC National Representative in Ukraine (opening remarks)

Yevhenii Khan, CoC and Integrity Manager, FSC Ukraine 

Platform: Zoom (link will be sent to registered participants)


  • Introduction: perspectives of using AI in the forest sector
  • Overview of available genAI solutions
  • Practical examples of AI for workflow automation
  • Ethical aspects and potential challenges of using AI for the industry
  • Discussion and answers to questions

This webinar will be a logical progression of the previous events of the series, connecting the main aspects of working with open data, automation, and generative AI. 

The webinar will be useful for a wide range of forestry professionals: from forestry directors to scientists and ecologists, as well as for anyone interested in forestry innovations.

Despite the fact that this webinar completes our current series, it opens up new horizons for collaborative implementation of innovative solutions. We see this event as a starting point for a deeper dive into the world of technological opportunities that will contribute to the sustainable development of our forests. Your ideas, experience, and motivation are key to the industry's further progress.