The possibility for excising areas contaminated by explosive objects from the scope of FSC certification in Ukraine reflects the consistent position of FSC International in responding to the situation in Ukraine under the conditions of armed conflict. The draft document developed by the National Working Group, namely "FSC criteria, indicators and verifiers for excision of areas from the scope of certification in accordance with FSC-POL-20-003 V 1-0", was the focus of the webinar organized as a part of the 30-day public consultation process.
The large audience of more than 100 participants (representatives of branches of the State Enterprise "Forests of Ukraine", NGOs, certification bodies and other stakeholders) was presented with the background, main stages of the document development process, and its most important content components during the webinar.

The discussion emphasized that excision of areas contaminated with explosive objects from the scope of FSC certification requires changes in stakeholders’ management system - appropriate adaptation of management processes, deepening of risk-based approaches integrated into the decision-making system, and changes in forest management practices.

“I am convinced that the webinar has not only raised awareness of the participants about the requirements of forest certification to mitigate risks to human life and health in the presence of areas contaminated with explosive objects, but also intensified their participation in commenting and providing constructive concerns and suggestions to the draft document under discussion”, said Pavlo Kravets, Director of FSC Ukraine.
The detailed information on the draft document and the consultation process, which will last until September 23, 2023, is available at https://ua.fsc.org/ua-en/newsfeed/public-consultations-on-the-draft-fsc-criteria-indicators-and-verifiers-for-excision-o